How to Navigate Sam's Club Aisles - Soccer Mom Life (2024)

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This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #NatureMadeHealthPack #CollectiveBias Learn how to navigate Sam’s Club aisles to stay healthy and active!

One of my favorite places to shop is Sam’s Club where I can get more bang for my buck and cut down how much I am going to the grocery store. At times though the aisles can be a bit overwhelming when you see stacks and stacks of processed foods and sometimes just junk. Sam’s Club carries many items that will help you stay on track with your health goals. So what I am going to do is share how to navigate Sam’s Club aisles to be healthy.

How to Navigate Sam’s Club Aisles

  • The first section you should find is the refrigerated section. More often than not it is at the back of the store. There you will find tons of fruits and veggies to stock up on. Whole foods are key here. Go get a large package of spinach greens to make salads in a jar to easily take to work or on the go.

  • Another good staple to keep on hand is different types of proteins. Of course you can hit up the meat section, but make sure you check canned and dried foods as well. Walnuts or other nuts are a good source of protein while giving you something crunchy and satisfying. Canned chicken or tuna is also good to have on hand to make a good chicken salad or to sprinkle over your spinach that you got from the produce section.

  • Something you may not think about, but that we all need is keeping cases of water around. The more you can stay hydrated and have an easy on the go option for a drink, then you will be more prepared when you are thirsty. The less you are reaching for sugary drinks the better.

  • Eggs are easy to stock up on at Sam’s Club. You can eat them breakfast, lunch, and snacks. I keep hard boiled eggs in the fridge for quick to grab protein.

  • One thing we may not always think about is taking vitamins and other supplements to help our health. The Nature Made® Daily Diabetes Health Pack is one more thing to add to this shopping list. Nature Made® Daily Diabetes Health Pack inspires healthy choices for a Diabetic to live a healthy lifestyle.

If you take a few steps back and really plan what you are going to get when you walk in the doors, then learning how to navigate Sam’s Club aisles will get easier and easier. TheNature Made® Daily Diabetes Health Pack will bring all those good habits and choices together so that you can all live a healthy and active lifestyle.

Print this shopping list for one more reminder on how to navigate Sam’s Club Aisles while shopping.

How to Navigate Sam's Club Aisles - Soccer Mom Life (9)
† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

      1. Nature Made Daily Diabetes Health Pack is scientifically formulated to supply nutritional support for people with diabetes or prediabetes. †
      2. Provides essential vitamins and minerals for daily nutritional support. †
      3. Essential omega-3 fatty acids that help support a healthy heart. †
      4. Pre-Diabetes: higher than normal blood sugar level with heightened risk of developing type 2 diabetes. †
      5. Inspire healthy choices for general population including those who are Pre-Diabetic or Diabetic to live a healthy lifestyle. †
      6. Provides daily nutritional support for a Diabetic. †
      7. DDHP provides nutrients you might be lacking from your diet. †
      8. Each pack contains a key combination of essential nutrients for Diabetics. †

ǂ Based on US News & World Report – Pharmacy Times Survey

      1. #1 Pharmacist Recommended Diabetic Multivitamin Supplement Brandǂ

† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

      1. Multivitamin/Mineral: A supplement providing essential vitamins and minerals for daily nutritional support. † Fish Oil with Vitamin D3: Fish oil provides essential omega-3 fatty acids, EPA DHA, which help support a healthy heart. † Vitamin D supports bone, teeth, muscle and immune health.† Vitamin D3 is the body’s preferred form of vitamin D.*
      2. Vitamin D3 is more effective than vitamin D2 at raising and maintaining adequate levels of vitamin D in the body. †
      3. Magnesium: Magnesium participates in more than 300 reactions in the body and is essential for nerve, muscle and heart function. Magnesium also supports healthy bones and teeth and helps convert food to cellular energy.†
      4. Vitamin C: Vitamin C helps neutralize free radicals and helps iron get absorbed into the body. Vitamin C also helps support the immune system.†
      5. Alpha Lipoic Acid with Green Tea: Antioxidant properties which neutralize free radicals.†
      6. Chromium: Chromium is necessary for carbohydrate metabolism and utilization, and helps support healthy glucose metabolism.†
How to Navigate Sam's Club Aisles - Soccer Mom Life (2024)
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