The Best Peanut Butter and Nutella Shake Recipe (2024)

Welcome to another Thirsty Thursday! Do I have a drink today that’s sure to satisfy everyone… a Peanut Butter and Nutella Shake!

When Nutella first hit the scene I have to admit that I was a slow learner, I tried it but did not see what all the hubbub was about. Luckily for me my sons didn’t give up so easily and after many attempts they made a convert out of me.

Since my conversion I have come to enjoy it many ways but this milkshake has got to be tops! I love chocolate shakes and what goes together better with chocolate than peanut butter? So I set upon making a shake that contained both yet still had a little zing that would make the drinker take a second look.

Adding just a little buttermilk to the Peanut Butter and Nutella Shake gives it a little bite and takes away just enough of the sweetness to give a unique flavor that you will love.

So make sure to stock up on the peanut butter and Nutella hazelnut spread for the summer because if my sons reaction tells us anything you better stock up before we buy all the supply.

The Best Peanut Butter and Nutella Shake Recipe (1)

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A milkshake for the peanut butter and Nutella lovers out there. Recipe from

  • Total Time:
    5 minutes

  • Yield:
    2 shakes 1x



  • 7 scoops Vanilla Ice Cream
  • 3 tablespoons Peanut Butter
  • 3 tablespoons Nutella Hazelnut Spread
  • 1/3 cup Buttermilk
  • 2/3 cup 2% Milk


  1. Add all the ingredients into a blender and mix until smooth. Add or subtract ice cream to get the consistency you desire.
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes


  • Serving Size: 8 ounces

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Anything in the extreme is not good, which is why you should always have peanut butter in moderation. If you indulge in it too much, you will gain weight even if the fat content is healthy. That is because peanuts also contain a certain amount of saturated fat.

Two tablespoons of Nutella will offer you two-hundred calories, two grams of protein, twelve grams of fat, four grams of saturated fat, twenty-three grams of carbs, and twenty-one grams of sugar. Peanut butter has a high protein content as compared to Nutella.

Peanut butter and Nutella shake are highly versatile, which is why you can add different syrups to them. For example, caramel, hazelnut, almond, maple, and other such syrups will go incredibly well with the shake.

If you want to add more chocolate to the shake, then you can add chocolate chips. You can also add wafers and different types of chocolate to make the shake even more chocolatey. Keep in mind that this will also raise the number of sugars and calories in the shake.

If you love chocolate, you can add scoops of chocolate ice cream to the shake instead of vanilla ice cream. It will make the shake richer and chocolate-based. On the other hand, if you want balance, we recommend you stick to vanilla.

You can have the peanut butter and Nutella shake any time you like. For example, it will also go great with breakfast and provide you with ample fuel for the rest of the day.

Yes, you can have peanut butter and Nutella shake after working out to refuel your body. It will give you a high amount of carbs, proteins, and fats that will help your body recover in no time.

The Best Peanut Butter and Nutella Shake Recipe (2024)


Is peanut butter and Nutella good together? ›

Peanut butter and nutella go together so well, it is a shame that most people do not know about it! The rich nuttiness of peanut butter and hazelnuts laced together with a hint of chocolate is just SO addictive! This peanut butter and nutella milkshake is so creamy, extra thick and yummy!

What has more protein Nutella or peanut butter? ›

So, is Nutella a comparable swap? Absolutely not. Peanut butter provides your body with enough quality protein with 85-100% of peanut butter varieties made from peanuts. In comparison to Nutella's 7.3g of protein per 100g peanut butter provides around 24-26g.

What does Nutella taste like compared to peanut butter? ›

The lovely hazelnut spread and peanut butter also don't taste the same. Nutella tastes like hazelnuts and chocolate and is creamy. Unlike peanut butter, which has a taste of peanuts along with the sweet and savory flavors that are typical of peanut butter.

What is Nutella peanut butter? ›

Nutella is associated with nut butters because it is often referred to as a hazelnut spread. Although Nutella does contain a small amount of hazelnut paste, it should not be used as a nut butter substitute. Nut butters, including peanut butter, almond butter and cashew butter, are also high in calories and fat.

What is the best combination with Nutella? ›

Fruit: Nutella goes well with fruits like strawberries, bananas, and raspberries. You can dip the fruit directly into the Nutella or spread it on top. Pretzels: The combination of sweet and salty flavors makes Nutella an excellent pairing with pretzels.

What is a good combination with Nutella? ›

Using melted Nutella as a dip is an easy way to turn your fruit bowl into a dessert. "Dipping fruits such as strawberries, bananas, and apple slices in the chocolate spread is a delicious snack for adults and an easy way to get kids to eat fruit," Muhammad said.

Is Nutella better for you than chocolate? ›

Nutella is popularly marketed as a healthy breakfast item or snack, but it actually is composed of 55% sugar. This puts it very close in nutritional ranking to any chocolate candy on the market.

What is healthier Nutella or avocado? ›

Avocado has 20 important nutrients and provides antioxidants and health-protective fat, she said. Nutella contains more additives — including sugar — than it does hazelnuts, she said. "Comparing these two is like comparing 1 cup of fresh blueberries (85 calories) to 10 gummy bears (85 calories)," she said.

What has more protein banana or peanut butter? ›

Bananas are pretty low in protein as well, with under 1.5 grams per medium banana. Again, peanut butter is a popular and plant-protein-packed addition to bananas, with 8g per two tablespoons.

Is Jif peanut butter healthier than Nutella? ›

Peanut butter is a better source of vitamins than chocolate hazelnut spreads, since each 2-tablespoon serving provides you with 21 percent of the daily value for niacin and 14 percent of the DV for vitamin E and chocolate hazelnut spreads aren't a particularly good source for any vitamins.

Can diabetics eat Nutella? ›

Have you seen the ingredients that are in real Nutella? Take a look at this image, which shows them in layers. With 58% being sugar, it's really not a great choice to add to a diet complicated with diabetes.

What is the nut in Nutella called? ›

Hazelnuts are then transformed into a silky paste – the heart of the Nutella® recipe – which is blended with other ingredients (cocoa, palm oil, sugar, milk, lecithin and artificial vanillin) to capture the hazelnut aroma at its best.

What are the fat balls in Nutella? ›

If you touch the spots and they are dry and do not melt, it's sugar bloom. If they taste like sugar, it's a good indication, too. I would not recommend eating it, because after this time the fat is likely rancid.

What is the best combination with peanut butter? ›

Ideas to Try:
  • Add into a bowl of oatmeal.
  • Dip apple slices in peanut butter.
  • Add banana slices to a toasted PB&J.
  • Spread on a rice cake or cracker.
  • Add to a smoothie.
  • Dip celery or carrots in peanut butter.
  • Mix with yogurt.
  • Top a stir fry with peanut butter sauce (see Peanut Noodles with Tofu recipe below).

Is it normal to put butter with Nutella? ›

Just made Nutella toast (with butter) this morning. It's just a matter of preference and even some people butter it when they're using one type of spread but not if they're using another.

Why do peanut butter and chocolate go well together? ›

The tastebuds find contrasting textures appealing. Soft, creamy smooth chocolate and firm, crunchy peanuts are contrasting textures that have us reaching for more of this satisfying combination. When you take the first bite of chocolate peanut butter cups you'll notice they have a slightly hard, crunchy texture.

Can I eat Nutella with banana? ›

Eaten together, bananas and Nutella are a potently delicious combination. Want an even heartier snack?

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.