Hemorrhoidectomy Surgery: When You Might Need It, & What to Expect (2024)

What is the average recovery time for a hemorrhoidectomy?

The average recovery time is two to four weeks. Most people say the pain is gone after two weeks. It might be six to eight weeks before you’re able to resume strenuous exercise or manual labor.

You might have a longer recovery if you have complications, like infection or excessive bleeding. Your healthcare provider will instruct you on caring for your wound to help prevent these complications.

What should I expect during my recovery from hemorrhoidectomy?

After hemorrhoidectomy surgery, you can expect some degree of:

  • Bleeding. Some bleeding after a hemorrhoidectomy is normal, especially after having a bowel movement (pooping). You might see blood in your stool or on your toilet paper. You might also see some in your underwear, along with some clear or yellow discharge. You can wear a sanitary pad or gauze to help soak up the fluid. This can last for up to a month. It shouldn’t be a lot of blood. It’s possible to split the wound open if you strain too hard to poop, which could cause more severe bleeding. It’s important to avoid constipation to prevent this. Rarely, some people experience a postoperative hemorrhage, acute bleeding from the blood vessels that were cut in surgery. If you bleed a lot, call your provider.
  • Swelling. Swelling after a hemorrhoidectomy is normal. Swelling inside your anus can feel similar to hemorrhoids. You may feel like they’re still there or think they’ve come back, but this isn’t the case. Sometimes a lump or a skin tag will develop at the site of the wound, which can also be deceiving. These generally go away once you’ve healed. Healing time varies for everyone. You can help reduce the swelling by applying ice wrapped in a towel to the wound a few times a day for 10 minutes at a time. It also helps to lie on your stomach with a pillow supporting your hips. See if you can sleep this way.
  • Pain. You can expect some pain after a hemorrhoidectomy, and the pain levels people report are relatively high. But you should be able to manage your pain with medications. Healthcare providers usually offer a variety of strategies for managing pain, including oral and topical medications and gentle wound care. To get ahead of the pain after your operation, start your medications before you start to feel it. Most people say the pain is gone after two weeks. See your provider if your pain lasts longer than two weeks, if you’re having trouble managing your pain or if your pain is preventing you from peeing or pooping.

How painful is hemorrhoidectomy recovery on a pain scale?

Healthcare providers assess post-hemorrhoidectomy pain using a visual analog scale (VAS). It rates pain on a scale of one to 10, with 10 being the worst. Pain ratings range from moderate to severe.

Pain is very subjective, and people can experience it differently. There’s not always an apparent reason for this. However, you may be more likely to experience more pain if you have:

  • A preexisting disease.
  • An infection.
  • Constipation.
  • Emergency surgery.

Typically, the most significant pain occurs with your first bowel movement after hemorrhoidectomy surgery. Pain usually improves after three days and continues to improve for the next two weeks.

What improves hemorrhoidectomy pain?

Healthcare providers continue to explore new strategies for reducing post-hemorrhoidectomy pain. Some research suggests that people experience less post-hemorrhoidectomy pain with:

  • Electrosurgery. Using electrothermal and cautery devices for cutting and sealing the tissues and blood vessels appears to result in faster healing with less pain after surgery.
  • Local anesthesia. Anesthesia applied directly to the site of the surgery, combined with other types, appears to result in less postoperative pain.
  • Methylene blue. Injection of a blue dye surgeons sometimes use can improve pain at the site of the surgery as a side effect. Methylene blue has a temporary numbing effect on the nerves.
  • Topical GTN ointment. GTN ointment (glyceryl trinitrate) is a prescription medication that reduces muscle spasms in your anus. It also improves blood flow and promotes faster healing.

In addition to the care you receive from your healthcare provider, you can also improve your pain levels and healing time by taking good care of yourself at home. Your provider will advise you on self-care.

How do you poop after a hemorrhoidectomy?

Pooping can be painful after a hemorrhoidectomy, especially the first time. It gets easier as you heal. You can improve your pain levels and your healing time by preventing constipation and straining.

For some people, this is a chronic problem that likely contributed to getting hemorrhoids in the first place. For others, it’s a problem that can develop after surgery and with the use of pain medications.

Healthcare providers suggest that you:

  • Gradually add fiber to your diet. Try eating high-fiber foods or take fiber supplements.
  • Avoid spicy foods. Spices can burn on the way out.
  • Drink plenty of water. Hydration is essential, especially as you add more fiber to your diet.
  • Try unfiltered apple juice or prune juice. These have natural laxative properties.
  • Use laxatives as needed. There are several types. Ask your provider what they advise.
  • Don’t read on the toilet. Sitting on the commode too long is associated with constipation.
  • Use a step stool. Elevating your feet helps position your hips to make bowel movements easier.
  • Use gentle wipes. Baby wipes or medicated pads can help protect your tender tissues.
  • Use topical anesthetic. Apply lidocaine cream to help numb your wound before pooping.

How do you heal from a hemorrhoidectomy?

Healing from a hemorrhoidectomy takes time, but you can help the process along by taking good care of your wound and your body during your recovery. For aftercare, healthcare providers recommend:

  • Sitz baths. Soak your bottom in 3 or 4 inches of warm water a few times a day.
  • Ice. Apply an ice pack wrapped in a towel to your wound for 10 minutes a few times a day.
  • Medications. Your provider will suggest a combination of oral and topical pain medications.
  • Rest. Don’t push yourself too hard to go back to your usual activities. Give yourself time to heal.
  • Preventing constipation. Use every trick in the book if necessary.
  • Long-term changes. Make your constipation prevention strategies a habit to prevent new hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoidectomy Surgery: When You Might Need It, & What to Expect (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

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